Facebook is one of the most popular social networking websites right now, and it has over 400 million users. It's a great site for staying in contact with friends, share photos, and see what people are up to, basically a great way to follow others lives. I started using Facebook since about 1 or 2 years ago and in the beginning I barely used it because there were not a lot of people using it. However, now I don't let one day pass without visiting Facebook because there are so many people using it so there are always new status updates and other things. I also use Facebook a lot because I can stay in contact with my friends from Sweden in a very simple and easy way since I can both use Facebook Chat if he or she is online or just send a wallpost for the person to see later if he or she is not. Another reason I really like this site is because it has groups for the user to join and there are some really funny groups that you can join such as "Dear Pringles, I cannot fit my hand into your tube of deliciousness" . I think Facebook is a very modern site and because of it's huge popularity, Facebook will probably continue being used for many years to come.
This is definitely great for people who have moved a lot and have friends and family in different places.
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